While we usually post news, reviews or features on this beloved website of ours, we rarely get personal and talk about our experiences with the franchise. Well, actually, I’ve done that a few times, too. But today, I want to tell you a bit more about why I like TRANSFORMERS, because maybe, it’s not even what you think. Hey, it may be that there’s more than meets the eye!
The first to consider for me, to be honest, is nostalgia. I’m 33 years old, so while I’m not “granpa” old, I’m old enough to have seen G1 in its original TV run. At least in Paraguay, where you might as well use your paddy power offers and promos to bet on black and hope that your favorite cartoon will actually be shown in the 3 channels we had at home. And for me, there were a few cartoons I just couldn’t do without: Braveheart, Athena No Seinto (Knights of the Zodiac) and TRANSFORMERS.
But it’s not only nostalgia. As I’ve mentioned before a few times, I actually like a lot of what Michael Bay did with the Bayverse. Sure, they are far from the refined nuggets of morality we got with the cartoons, but they were fun, and by far the best live action representation we’d seen of transforming robots. Or really, any large robot. I think PACIFIC RIM comes close, but that came after, and heavily benefited from TRANSFORMERS technology.
One thing I never got into, though, were the toys. And not because I didn’t like them, but because I couldn’t afford them. When I was growing up in Paraguay, TRANSFORMER toys demanded a great deal of money, definitely far more than what my parents were willing to spend. Even to this day, I know people are downsizing collections and the prices have come down tremendously, but the truth is, I don’t own a single TRANSFORMERS toy. Perhaps I should change that. Please give out a recommendation as to which is a good toy to get for a minimalist collector! (So, a single toy).
I even like Mark Whalberg. Sure, his role is completely silly and nobody can identify with him, but I like the guy, and I can’t help it. I even liked him in THE HAPPENING, the worst in a long line of bad movies by director M. Night Shyamalan (so maybe I’m a bit biased). I didn’t care much for Shia LeBouf though, it must be said.
When all is said and done, though, we all have different things we like about TRANSFORMERS. Maybe you hate the Bayverse but love the toys and have a huge collection, which puts you at the complete opposite of this spectrum of fandom. But you know? There IS a spectrum. There is TRANSFORMERS for everyone, whether you like the big Paramount blockbusters or whether you’re a G1 fanatic. And that’s another thing I love: there is something for everyone. And yes, there definitely is more than meets the eye when it comes to TRANSFORMERS.
Ah, did I mention the fans? TRANSFORMERS fans are great. You guys are great. Thank you for allowing us to have a voice.
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