Another day, another exciting reveal! We are super stoked to announce that official Auto Assembly photographer, Nick Hardy, is setting up his own Cybertronian photo booth right at the heart of the convention!
At Reflector’s Studio, you can order your own personalised Tech Spec photo card, get a group shot with your friends or maybe grab a picture of yourself with that one super special purchase. It costs just £2 to have your photograph taken, which we feel is amazing value for this professional service.
All photographs will be available for purchase in either printed or digital format after the event – so if you have multiples taken, you will be able to choose your favourite from Reflector’s website. If you would prefer to have your picture printed during the convention (perhaps to have it autographed?) Nick will be happy to print a high quality image for you for just £5.
To see Nick’s fantastic work, check out www.nickhardyphotography.co.uk
Auto Assembly 2014, Europe’s Largest Transformers Convention, is taking place over the weekend of Friday 8th to Sunday 10th August 2014 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel and don’t forget that you can book your tickets NOW to join us in celebrating 30 years of the Cybertronians!
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