It’s been brought to our attention that a few of you have been having difficulties booking tickets for Auto Assembly 2015 over the last few days through the website. Once deciding on the ticket type that you have wanted to buy and clicking on the “add to cart” button, a number of you have experienced an issue with errors being reported once our website has directed people to PayPal to begin the payment processing step rather than displaying the shopping cart.
While the booking system is functioning properly at the Auto Assembly side of things, it does appear that the PayPal side of things is running significantly slower than normal and is causing problems for some people. We have received bookings from people for the convention over the weekend so we are aware that it isn’t affecting everyone who is trying to register for Auto Assembly 2015 and our own test booking while taking longer than normal did function properly.
What would advise everyone to do at the moment is to keep trying to book as normal but please be patient with the system. First, please ensure that cookies are enabled on your PC or mobile device that you are using to make the booking incase this may be causing problems for some. Secondly, if you do experience problems just keep trying. We do have plenty of tickets available for the convention so none of you will miss out on being able to attend the event. We have relocated into the Hilton’s largest halls for this year’s convention which is 20% larger than the hall we used for Auto Assembly 2014 so we have plenty of space for everyone!
What we believe may be contributing to this problem is the current status of PayPal as a company. As many of you are aware, Until recently PayPal was wholly owned by eBay but the two companies are now being separated. As part of this, we believe that this may be having some temporary impact on the performance of their servers. While this is only speculation, we would just ask that you try to be as patient as you can with our booking system during this time. Rest assured that your financial and personal details are still safe and that our online booking system is still extremely secure and has been since it was first adopted over a decade ago.
We will keep everyone posted on the situation but if this problem does persist then we will look into providing alternative booking options should we need to for everyone.
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