Auto Assembly 2014 Pre-Registrations Are CLOSED

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Well that’s it folks! If you haven’t bought your tickets for Auto Assembly 2014 then you’ve just missed out on your chance of pre-registering and nabbing yourself a personalised pass for this week’s convention! Tickets have sold at a phenomenal rate for this year’s event and we can’t wait to tell you how many we’ve sold on Saturday during the Opening Ceremony but for now all we can tell you is that last year’s total figure of 833 isn’t the European attendance record any more…

So does this mean that you can’t attend Auto Assembly 2014 if you haven’t booked your tickets? Not at all. We do have on-the-door passes available but please bear in mind that these do take slightly longer to process on the day so you won’t be able to get into the convention as quickly as those who have pre-booked. We do operate a separate queuing system and while the ticket prices for on-the-door places are the same, for single day tickets we don’t open sales for on-the-door attendees until pre-registrants have all entered the convention. You will also miss out on receiving a personalised pass and as our convention exclusive comic is limited, there is a chance that you may miss out on getting a copy of this as well if we don’t have enough for everyone.

So what do you need to do? Just come along to the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel over the weekend and simply report to our Registration Desk. During the day on Friday this will be located in the Hilton’s main reception where our team will get your details (for health and safety reasons only), take your payment and give you your pass. Please note that we will only be taking registrations on Friday for those buying passes for the full weekend. On Friday evening, the Registration Desk will relocate inside our Main Hall and you will be able to buy passes up until 7:30 pm.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Desk will again be inside our Main Hall and will be open for single day and weekend pass sales from 9:30 am. Tickets will give you full access to the convention – all the panels, dealers, workshops, free autographs from our guests and there are no additional charges for anything unless you are buying anything at the event! Full weekend passes grant you access to our Friday and Saturday evening programmes, Single Day tickets only provide access to the “normal” convention schedule (9:30 – 5:30) on your chosen day.


Tickets are £50 for adults and £38 for youth (Under 18) and elderly (over 60) for the full weekend. Single day tickets are £35 for adults and £23 for concessions. Under 6s are free for both ticket types.

We hope to see you all there as we celebrate 30 years of Transformers! Auto Assembly 2014 is taking place at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, Birmingham adjacent to the National Exhibition Centre.

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About Simon Plumbe 505 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: