Auto Assembly 2014 Hilton Accommodation Update – 7th February 2014

Hi everyone! Things are moving along at a fantastic pace here at Auto Assembly HQ with our guest announcements and work on this year’s event. We’ve got loads more news coming your way very soon including more information about the activities and events that we have planned for the convention weekend but for now we want to bring you all an update on something that has been on many of your minds for a while now… accommodation at our convention hotel, the Hilton Birmingham Metropole…

Billy Edwards has been working very closely with the Hilton for some time to make sure that everything is 100% ready for our online room booking system to go live and ensure that it’s error free and that we will be in a position to send the details out to all of you who have booked for the convention. We’re making sure that the online system will have enough rooms set aside to cover everyone who wants to book a room, that all the prices and dates on the system are correct and that we have systems in place for those of you who may have any unusual requests or requirements and we’re going to be here at Auto Assembly to help any of you with issues you may have.

Once the online room booking system goes live, we will email everyone who has registered for the convention simultaneously with the link to the Hilton’s dedicated website for the Auto Assembly discount rate so you will all be able to book your rooms immediately. At the same time we will be setting up a system in place so that all new bookings made after that time will automatically get the micro website link so you’ll be able to book your rooms even before you get your ticket confirmation email!

We are now in the final stages of sending out the last few booking confirmations so if you haven’t had yours yet, you should be receiving it within then next few days and as long as you have received your confirmation email then you’ll get the booking email to the same email address. We’ll update the website once the room bookings go live and we are hoping that this will be happening in the next couple of days!

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About Simon Plumbe 504 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: