We just wanted to take this opportunity to bring you all an update on booking confirmations for Auto Assembly 2013. We have finally received details from the Hilton on booking hotel accommodation for the convention weekedn so we are now sending out all of the booking confirmation emails. The first batch are going out today and will be going out over the next few days in the order in which bookings have been received starting with those of you who ordered Passes For Life, our Auto Assembly 2012 volunteers and those of you who purchase tickets at Auto Assembly 2012.
Looking at the bookings so far, it looks as if we are on target for another record-breaking year so we would urge all of you to book sooner rather than later if you haven’t already registered including those of you considering attending as dealers. We already have our first few dealers booked, several other dealers provisional booked and with dealer space being limited you don’t want to miss out!
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