We’d like to thank everyone who attended Auto Assembly 2013 last weekend. We’re still recovering here at Auto Assembly HQ and despite trying to cope with PC troubles we’re hoping to upload the first batch of photos to the website shortly and videos to our Youtube Channel. We’re already reading a lot of the feedback that we’ve seen online and we’re hoping to incorporate a lot of it into next year’s event but we’re glad that so many of you loved the convention… all 833 of you in fact who helped us smash last year’s attendance figure and yet again helped us to set a new European attendance record!
One thing you can’t have failed to notice was that we weren’t alone in the Hilton this year… As well as a couple of other events taking place in the hotel itself, the adjacent National Exhibition Centre played host to the annual Festival Of Quilts (which we have renamed Quiltcon!) taking up an astonishing three halls of the NEC. This had the surprising impact on Auto Assembly that a large number of people attending the event had booked rooms in the hotel splitting residents equally between Quilters and TF fans – a surreal combination and this was the primary reason for the Hilton running out of rooms prior to the convention this year.
Now, this brings me on to a very important message to all of you planning on attending Auto Assembly 2014… once again, the Festival Of Quilts is taking place at the NEC the same weekend as the convention. Now, the Hilton can NOT reserve all of their bedrooms for us so if you want to secure your accommodation for AA2014 we strongly advise booking for the convention sooner rather than later. We have a block of rooms reserved in the hotel for us and this can be extended if we need it but as the hotel sold out well in advance of AA2013 we don’t want any of you to be disappointed.
The best way to make sure you don’t miss out on a hotel room is to book as soon as possible for the convention and then book your room straight away. You won’t need to pay for your room in advance but we don’t want any of you to miss out and have to stay in alternative accommodation. Tickets for Auto Assembly 2014 can be booked on the Auto Assembly 2014 Bookings Page and hotel details will be sent out to all pre-registrants within the next 3-4 weeks.
Simon Plumbe
Auto Assembly Committee Head
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