Auto Assembly 2012 Unveils Non-Attendee Package

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With fans from all over the world preparing to gather in Birmingham, England for Auto Assembly 2012 in August, there are many of you out there who have said to us that you would have loved to have attended the convention this year but for one reason or another are unable to make it but still want to be involved. Since last week’s announcement of our convention exclusive add-on kit for Generations Wheeljack as part of our Kitbash Workshop being run by Calloway Customs, even more of you want to be a part of the convention and have asked if we were considering doing a Non-Attendee Package this year… well your calls have been answered!

We are proud to bring all of you details of the Auto Assembly 2012 Non-Attendee Package! We have been working on details of this for the last couple of months to try to offer you all a slice of Auto Assembly if you weren’t able to make it to the event. We wanted to make sure that we could offer you value for money but we wanted to get all the details sorted before we made any annnoucements!

Before we continue, we know that some of you may have ordered Non-Attendee Packages from us in the past and may have experienced problems with shipping. We have looked into the difficulties that we have encountered and we have put systems into place to prevent these from happening again. The last few years we greatly underestimated shipping costs for packs being sent outside of the UK which meant that we struggled after the convention to cover costs until we sold tickets for the following year. Also, we included original sketches from our artist guests, but these didn’t arrive with us until several months after the convention causing considerable delays.

This year, we are not including sketches so Packs will be ready to ship immediately after the convention. We have also weighed an approximate pack before setting the prices so we can make realistic charges for all of the packs that we can offer to all of you meaning that they can be shipped as soon as they are ready.

Packs will be £40 for the UK, £45 for EU residents and £50 for the rest of the world but that is inclusive of all shipping costs (airmail for outside of the UK) and this comprises of TWO mailings and your first package will be sent before the convention! So what do you receive for that? The Pack will contain all of the items from our Auto Assembly 2012 Goodie Bag but with a few added twists, plus some extra items:-

* Auto Assembly 2012 A2 litho print by Marvel UK artist Jeff Anderson
* Auto Assembly 2012 Exclusive Comic
* The Cybertronian Times Issue 13 Convention Magazine SIGNED by our guests
* A PERSONALISED Auto Assembly 2012 Pass and Lanyard
* A set of Auto Assembly 2012 Convention Exclusive Postcards
* Jagex Transformers Universe Art Card
* Entry into the Auto Assembly 2012 Prize Draw (exclusive to Weekend Ticket Holders and Non-Attendees with a first prize worth almost £300)
* A set of the Auto Assembly 2011 Convention Exclusive Postcards
* A copy of the Auto Assembly theme song “Transform” CD single (this is only available in the Non-Attendee Pack)
* The chance to purchase the convention exclusive Marlboor add-on kit

Plus other additional surprise items if these can be arranged. The 2011 postcards will not be given away to any other Auto Assembly 2012 attendees.

Yes, we mentioned the CONVENTION EXCLUSIVE KITBASH WORKSHOP MARLBOOR ADD-ON KIT!! There are four different versions of this kit that Calloway Customs are producing for Auto Assembly 2012. One of them is exclusive to convention attendees (which includes a Generations Wheeljack toy), but the other three can be ordered at the same time as your Non-Attendee Pack with prices from just £15 so if you can’t make it to the convention, you can still play a part in the workshop as the ENTIRE workshop will be filmed and uploaded to our Youtube Channel for FREE viewing after the convention!

You can buy the Non-Attendee Pack on our website NOW at and you can order the limited edition Kitbash sets at the same time. If you are already attending the convention, you will be sent details of how to get these separately.

For more details on Auto Assembly 2012 which is taking place over the weekend of 3rd – 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel or to book your tickets or find out information about booking dealers tables, visit the website at

Hope to see you there!

The Auto Assembly Team

Web: / /
Auto Assembly Europe:
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296

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About Simon Plumbe 505 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: