As we have already announced, we have an exciting new Kitbash Workshop this year at Auto Assembly 2012 being brought to you in collaboration with Calloways Customs. We have already told you about the workshop itself that is taking place at Europe’s largest Transformers convention, but now we can tell you about the Convention Exclusive Add-On and how YOU can get it…
For the first time at Auto Assembly, a new and exciting add-on kit to convert a readily available Hasbro figure into a new character for your “Classics” Transformers collection.
From the fan favourite Shapeways store that bought you the essential “Punch / Counterpunch” add-on kit, and the UK toy store that serves all your Transformers needs, comes an all new add-on kit for 2012.
Tying in to the free Auto Assembly Kitbash Seminar – where you can learn how to convert your toys into all new characters – comes a new kit that includes add-ons to help you make a perfect rendition of cult favourite; “Red” Wheeljack.*
Sold at three different levels in very limited stock, all of which include the brand new and unique exclusive ultra-frosted detail Shapeways head which is HAND PAINTED.
Gold Pack – Base figure (Generations Wheeljack – never released in the UK), exclusive head, uncut sticker set. Strictly limited to 30 sets produced. £35
Silver Pack – Exclusive head, uncut sticker set. Strictly limited to 30 sets produced. £25
Bronze Pack – Exclusive head. Limited to 40 sets. £20
Basic Pack – Unpainted Exclusive Head. Limited to initial orders. £15
The Gold and Silver Sets are the best value, and orders are strictly limited to: Gold OR Silver OR Bronze – 1 per Customer. Basic Pack – 2 per customer
In order to make sure as many people get these as possible, you can only order either a Gold, Silver or Bronze package, as well as up to two basic packages, but you cannot more than one of either of the coloured packages. Gold packs are ONLY available to physical attendees who are at Auto Assembly 2012.
These packs will only ever be available for the 2012 convention, and this will be the only place the head will EVER be available; it will NEVER be available on the Shapeways Store. Stock is strictly first come, first served and limited to attendees and non attendee pack holders only and Pre-sales for this are live NOW!
Existing ticket holders will need to email beckettsid@hotmail.com and request GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE or BASIC along with quantities, and we’ll send you a PayPal invoice. You will need to provide your Auto Assembly 2012 ticket number with your order. Items can only be collected from Auto Assembly in person on the 4th or 5th August 2012.
Non-attendees need to select and order the packs they want when ordering their non-attendee packages from www.autoassembly.org.uk but hurry while stock last. If you haven’t already registered for the convention and want to take part in the workshop, book now to avoid disappointment!
In order to complete your figure, you will need to be semi-proficient at customising and you will need paint, tools and skill, as demonstrated in the kitbash seminar. Auto Assembly, Kapow Toys and Calloway Customs accept no responsibility if you damage or fail to complete your kitbash, and we offer the service of the Kitbash Seminar and follow-up online resources including the video of the workshop that will be released after the convention
merely as a guide to assist you, with no guarantees as to the end result.
For more details on Auto Assembly 2012 which is taking place over the weekend of 3rd – 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel or to book your tickets or find out information about booking dealers tables, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk
Hope to see you there!
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: www.autoassembly.org.uk / www.transformersvideogames.co.uk / www.ct-alpha.com
Auto Assembly Europe: www.autoassemblyeurope.eu
Youtube: www.youtube.com/autoassembly
Twitter: www.twitter.com/auto_assembly
Forum: https://www.autoassembly.org.uk/forum
Email: contact@autoassembly.org.uk
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs – www.shapeways.com/shops/callowaycustomdesigns
Toyz And Gamez – www.toyzandgamez.co.uk
TF Source – www.tfsource.com
Robot Kingdom – www.robotkingdom.com
Transformers @ The Moon – www.transformertoys.co.uk
TransformersAnimated.com – www.transformersanimated.com
TheTransformers.net – www.thetransformers.net
Titan Books – www.titanbooks.com
3 Darths Comics – www.3darthscomics.co.uk
Science Fiction Collectables – www.sf-collectables.co.uk
Big Bad Toy Store – www.bbts.com
Xyber Toys – www.xybertoys.com
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