It’s hard to believe but on 3rd August 2019, it is the 30th anniversary of Infinite Frontiers. The group that is behind Auto Assembly has humble beginnings. We started off as a small local Doctor Who fan club in Birmingham, England. We had a handful of members, meeting once a month on a Saturday evening in a small scout hut! Within a year we’d moved on to general sci-fi and digital publishing. Another few years after that and we were planning our first convention…
Over the years we feel as if we’ve done almost everything in geek fandom. Fan clubs, fanzines, conventions, websites, computer software, sports supporters clubs… we’ve tried our hand at most things at one time or another. One thing we have always tried to do over the years is to adapt so when our peers have struggled and moved on we’ve made sure that we’ve still been around to cater for new audiences, with something new up our sleeves!
But now, as we head towards the 30th anniversary of Infinite Frontiers, we want to do something special. We want to thank all of you who have been with us over the years – some from the very early days and some who are only recently joining us and finding out about our work. We wanted to do something to bring all of our websites, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts together, along with our YouTube channel and do something really memorable. So what do we have planned…?
From The Archives
We’ve got a huge amount of video content in our archives. Every time we have run an event, we’ve had a camera or video camera there to record it. While we did upload some old footage to the former Auto Assembly YouTube channel, this was taken offline a few years ago. We do have a huge amount of video content, much of which has never been released publicly before. But now it’s time to make all of this available. Just from the Auto Assembly archives alone we have over a decade of:
- Interviews
- Script readings
- General convention footage
- Guest panels
And much more besides so expect to see a lot in the coming weeks and months.
New YouTube Content
We’re working hard to expand our YouTube channel considerably. The feedback from our retro gaming coverage has been fantastic and this is where we will be focusing on in the short term along with the PlayStation Vita. Our hardware set up has been expanded as well so we can bring you even more retro games coverage from a wider range of systems and we’re hoping to be able to bring you 2-3 videos a week covering:-
- PlayStation
- PlayStation 2
- PlayStation 3
- PlayStation Portable
- PlayStation Vita
- Commodore 64
- Super Nintendo (SNES)
- Mega Drive
With more to come soon…
More Website Content And New Writers
Our websites will be getting bigger and better as we look to bring in new writers across all four of our main sites. A lot of new articles and features are already in the planning stages or have been in development for some times that will be appearing shortly, but we’re hoping to be introducing all of you to some new writers who will be joining us soon as well. But there’s already room on the team for more so if you want to be a part of what we do here or on any of our other sites or the YouTube channel, drop us a message through our Contact Form.
Competitions And Giveaways
What would a celebration be without competitions? Our websites and social media outlets are diverse and so are the prizes and competitions that we are going to be running both in the run up to 3rd August and beyond! We won’t just be running them on a single site though. They could appear anywhere so you’ll need to keep your eyes peeled so you don’t miss out on any of them. What’s even better is that they will all be FREE to enter! We have some great prizes lined up and here’s just a taste of what’s to come…
- Art books
- DVDs
- Autographs
- PC Steam game codes
and much more besides! We’ll also be running different offers and other giveaways on our various websites and through YouTube so look out for those too!
Find Out More
To make sure you don’t miss anything about all our announcements over the coming weeks, stay tuned to all our websites and social media accounts and check back on all of them regularly. We can be found at all of the following:
Auto Assembly (Transformers):- https://www.autoassembly.org.uk, https://www.facebook.com/autoassembly/, https://twitter.com/auto_assembly
Infinite Frontiers (all things geek and video games):- http://www.infinitefrontiers.org.uk, https://www.facebook.com/infinitefrontiersuk/, https://twitter.com/ifonlineuk
Vita Player (PlayStation Vita and PSP):- http://www.vitaplayer.co.uk, https://www.facebook.com/VitaPlayer/, https://twitter.com/Vita_Player
Stadia Player (Google Stadia and other streaming platforms):- http://www.stadiaplayer.co.uk, https://www.facebook.com/stadiaplayer/, https://twitter.com/StadiaPlayer
YouTube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpuNJRVIAnry2VwBGbbLI6g
Don’t forget to like, follow and subscribe to all our pages so you are amongst the first to know what happens as we invite you to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Infinite Frontiers with us!
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