We thought about making you wait until next week before unveiling another guest for Auto Assembly 2014 but we decided against it so what better way to end the week than for us to confirm yet another returning guest to the convention this year… IDW artist Alex Milne who will be making his second appearance at Europe’s Largest Transformers Convention following his popular debut last year at Auto Assembly 2013…
Canadian artist Alex Milne (pictured here taking part in last year’s Fans Vs Guests Quiz, photo courtesy of Nick Hardy) has been one of the more popular artists working on Transformers for the last few years. Making his debut for Dreamwave working on Transformers: Energon and other titles for the publisher before working for Devil’s Due Publishing on their GI Joe Vs Transformers book, he subsequently joined the core team of artists working on Transformers making his debut on the adaptation of the 2007 live action movie.
As well as regular books, his work has been most recognised by TF fans for his covers that have graced IDW’s ongoing titles, More Than Meets The Eye, various titles in the Spotlight series and many more. The chances are that if you have purchased any IDW comics, some will feature Alex’s work.
Alex will be with us at Auto Assembly all weekend and will be sketching for fans throughout the convention and if he is as busy as last year, we’d strongly suggest getting your requests in now so you’re not disappointed!
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