Thursday Night At Auto Assembly 2013 – Time For Presents!

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We’ve been doing a bit of thinking about Auto Assembly 2013 this year and we know that a lot of you are going to be coming along on the Thursday to make a really long weekend of things so we thought why don’t we start off the weekend with something on the Thursday night…

One thing that we all used to love as kids was getting toys as presents so we thought as people are already looking forward to Auto Assembly and getting the chance to meet up with old friends, why not throw in something else… our own version of a Secret Santa for Auto Assembly 2013. Basically, we want to see who is up for the Auto Assembly 2013 Ten Ten Challenge!

If you’re joining us on the Thursday and want to get involved all you need to do is take ten pounds (or ten euros or fifteen dollars for those of you travelling from the USA / Canada) and buy a toy or some Transformers merchandise. It can be absolutely anything as long as it’s new and the TOTAL price including shipping costs no more than ten pounds. If you spend less, that’s cool. If you buy several smaller things and the total is still less than ten pounds, again that’s fine!

Once you’ve got that, wrap it up. Don’t put your name on it or anything, just bring it with you on the Thursday night and come down to the Hilton’s Lounge Bar… at 10:00 pm. Then just find someone (or a group of people) who is joining in with this and swap gifts. If you mix with a group of random attendees then rather than straight one-to-one present exchanges, you could swap them in a chain between all of you.

Just a few simple rules…

  1. There’s a maximum spend of £10
  2. You can only give / receive one gift
  3. Keep quiet about what you are buying until the recipient opens it!
  4. Exchange of gifts doesn’t start until 10:00 pm in the Lounge Bar in the Hilton on Thursday 8th August to give everyone time to get there!

That way loads of people (hopefully) will get to start off the weekend with a new TF to add to their collections (or comics or other TF merchandise) and if you swap gifts with someone you don’t know, maybe a new friend or two as well!

If you’re planning on joining in, just pop over to the Auto Assembly Facebook Page and join in the discussion about this and let us know that you’re going to be a part of it so we know who to look out for! We’ve already got quite a bit of interest and some of us on the team have already purchased their gifts so who knows what you might be going home with…

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About Simon Plumbe 504 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: