Combat Colin, created by writer/artist Lew Stringer, was first unleashed on an unsuspecting public in 1987 in Marvel UK’s Action Force comic. The back-up strip soon migrated over to Transformers following on from Lew’s earlier strip Robo Capers, where it became a mainstay right through until 1991.
The hapless wannabe military hero proved so popular with Transformers fans that Lew found himself being invited to Transfomers conventions as a guest alongside the likes of regular Marvel UK Transformers writers and artists such as Simon Furman, Andrew Wildman and Geoff Senior. While the character has been in semi-retirement for some time, Lew has been releasing collected volumes of the strips for the last few years, as well as creating occasional new Combat Colin strips.
However, we are excited to announce that starting in Issue 21 of our FREE digital fanzine The Cybertronian Times, we will be bringing you brand new Combat Colin strips in every issue! We first announced this in Issue 20 released last week and you can download this and previous issues absolutely free using the link above.
Issue 21, featuring the new Combat Colin strip, will be released at the end of December 2021.
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