Auto Assembly Website – The Next Phase…

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We’ve been going through a lot of changes over the last few months here at Auto Assembly, not least of all the re-emergence of our parent geek organisation Infinite Frontiers and our affiliation with our sister website Vita Player. It’s time now to make some major changes to the Auto Assembly website itself as we move into our next phase of our work for 2016 and beyond…

One thing we have always done for the last 27 years at Infinite Frontiers is produced fanzines or some form of content. Whether this has been in print, online, digital, computer software or some other form, even if we haven’t been running events or clubs, we’ve been producing content for people to read / consume and enjoy. This is something that’s very important to us and is at the heart of everything that we’re going to be doing at Infinite Frontiers and especially at Auto Assembly. The website is going to be changing to reflect this and the structure of what you will see on here will be evolving over the coming weeks.

As we won’t have any events to promote, the nature of the site will change. While we’ll have occasional content talking about our previous conventions, photos from our archives and other material, this site will now change. Instead, we’ll be focusing on offering you new issues of our digital fanzine The Cybertronian Times as well as back issues all free to download. We’ll be supporting this with new material… a LOT of new material.

The Cybertronian Times will continue to grow and evolve alongside the website and both will have plenty of new and original content but we’ll be bringing you plenty of new articles, reviews and features right here on the Auto Assembly website. Our philosophy is simple – if we haven’t already reviewed it, then it’s fair game – toys, episodes, merchandise, video games, comics… anything as long as it’s Transformers related. Like us, we know that not everyone goes out and buys merchandise or toys as soon as they are released so there’s always still relevance in opinions on products after they’re released so we’ll be covering as much as we can and if there’s anything you’d like to see us review, just let us know!

This shift to a more content-based approach needs more staff and we’re doing just that. We’ve brought into two new writers already to help take Auto Assembly further. Steve Shreeve will already be known to those of you who have read Issue 17 of The Cybertronian Times and he has some great ideas lined up for Auto Assembly (as well as Infinite Frontiers), and Joe Purse who is making his debut with us on the team.

Finally away from the website, Matthew Grant is working some surprises for our Youtube Channel which will be integrating further with the website, as will a few other channels that you’ll be seeing linking into the site shortly.

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About Simon Plumbe 504 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: