Auto Assembly Important Update

Hi everyone,

After a forced two-month hiatus following a series of major techincal repairs to our office equipment and a long-distance house move for Auto Assembly’s Committee Head Simon Plumbe and his family, we are now pleased to announce that we are back up and running again! Over the last couple of months since Auto Assembly 2013 we have been thrust into one major event after another which has meant that – from the core at least – we have been unable to work on the convention. Briefly, almost immediately since the convention we had the following:

  • A major PC failure meaning that we were without the computer used for Auto Assembly for almost a month
  • As soon as we returned home from Auto Assembly we were offered the opportunity to view a house to move – something that we weren’t expecting until the end of 2013. In the space of two weeks, we had to make a 160 mile trip to visit the house and decide whether or not to accept it and then move in from start to finish within a month!
  • Once moved, we were without a phone line / internet for several weeks leaving us cut off from the outside world completely!
  • With the plans to set up the new office for Auto Assembly, this meant that the room needed to be completely decorated / carpeted to make sure that there were no future disruptions. This was completed last night, and the PC was finally re-connected about an hour ago.

However, we do ask for you all to be patient with us in the coming weeks. We still have a lot of unboxing to do… a large amount of paperwork and convention related material is safely packed away but it will still take us time to sort the office out and get everything onto shelves and make sense of where everything is. Our internet connection in the office, while working, is relatively unstable so we need to re-wire this and we have a LOT of emails to process. We have a lot of spam to filter out from all our email accounts as well as processing bookings and answering your questions but we will get around to them all as quickly as we can.

With regards to those of you waiting for Non-Attendee Packs, again these will be sent out as soon as we can. We are waiting for delivery of the t-shirts for these but we will keep everyone updated. We will send them out in batches as we can although we now live consderably further from our nearest post office than we used to (10 miles instead of a 2 minute walk) so we won’t be able to send as many as we used to in one go as we are dependent on public transport!

Finally, for those of you who haven’t booked for Auto Assembly 2014 yet, don’t forget that the current discount rate on tickets ends in little over two months so if you want to save money on next year’s convention and see all the great guests that we have lined up – David Sobolov, Mike McConnohie, Townsend Coleman, Peter Spellos and Flint Dille then make sure you don’t miss out. We have a lot more guests to announce very very soon so watch this space…!

Simon Plumbe

Auto Assembly Committee Head


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About Simon Plumbe 504 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: