Auto Assembly 2013 Postcard Sponsorship Offer

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For the next 24 hours we are offering all our potential sponsors the chance to take advantage of a great opportunity to sponsor Auto Assembly 2013 at an incredible knock-down price…

As you know, every year we produce a range of exclusive postcards that we give away to all our attendees as part of our goodie bags. Limited to a production run of 1,000 these highly collectible cards have become something of a fan favourite with attendees getting them signed by guests year after year building up to a massive collection with almost 30 cards being produced over the last 8 years. Every year we make these cards available to potential sponsors and this year is no different but we are able to do something rather special.

At the moment our printers are running a limited offer until the end of this month on their cards and we are able to pass on this saving to sponsors so we can offer single cards to sponsors for just £100. For this you will get your name, logo and website address featured on the rear of a design. Each card is printed in full colour both sides and feature superb original artwork. We have a range to choose from right now and some of the highlights ready to go to print right now are:

Auto Assembly 2013 Postcard 025 Preview

Auto Assembly 2013 Postcard 023 Preview

Auto Assembly 2013 Postcard 022 Preview

Additional designs are also available dedicated to characters played by our three guests of honour at this year’s convention – Dan Gilvezan, Neil Kaplan and Steve Blum so please ask to see our other designs. With the two bottom designs, we also have these available to sponsor as our large 7-foot tall display banners that will be showcased at the convention around the hall. These can be sponsored for £50 to feature your name or logo and website address and will be displayed not only at Auto Assembly 2013 but all future conventions as well.

We think that these are fantastic sponsorship opportunities for any dealer, website, or forum looking for something a little different. To take advantage of this postcard offer, we will need your logo and payment in full by 3:00 pm GMT on Friday 28th June 2013. However, if you can send artwork and payment by midnight GMT on Thursday 27th June then as a special offer, we will drop this price to just £75! These are once in a lifetime prices so hurry while we have the artwork available! To get your company involved, please email us NOW.

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About Simon Plumbe 505 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: