Auto Assembly 2013 Non-Attendee Pack Update

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We know that those of you who ordered the Auto Assembly 2013 Non-Attendee Packs have been waiting patiently for some time for these to arrive and and have been frustrated over the delays we have encountered in shipping these out to all of you. As you know, we have been plagued with countless problems with the 2013 Packs that have delayed them but as of this morning we are able to bring you an update on these…

For the last couple of months, we have been waiting for the delivery of the t-shirts that are included as part of the packs. While these were paid for and sent to be printed by our business partner, the printers have still not delivered them and are currently not communicating regarding the delays. However, after chasing this situation up today we have been assured that our partner does have a limited supply of convention exclusive t-shirts left in stock that will allow us to meet an initial run of the Non-Attendee Packs while the printers are chased further.

What this means is that by the end of this week we will be receiving a partial delivery of t-shirts and will be able to start packing and shipping some of the Non-Attendee Packs out. At the moment, we do not know what t-shirts are being sent to us so we can’t confirm whose packs will be sent out but we will aim to ship these out as quickly as possible.

While we have looked at what additional items we can include in the packs as extra bonus gifts, we are also looking into more long-term forms of compensation to make up for this delay and we will announce this shortly.

One final thing we do want to add however, is that as a result of the stress and frustration the packs have caused over the last 8 months and difficulties we have been faced with in producing and distributing them, sadly we will not be offering Non-Attendee Packages from Auto Assembly 2014 onwards.

Simon Plumbe
Committee Head, Auto Assembly

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About Simon Plumbe 504 Articles
Husband, father and lifelong geek. Originally from the West Midlands, now spending my days in South Wales with my family and a house full of animals. Passionate about video games, especially retro gaming, the Commodore 64 and PlayStation Vita. Love pro wrestling, sci-fi and I'm an animal lover and vegetarian. Enjoyed this and my other articles? Why not buy me a coffee: