We’ve kept you in suspsense for long enough, but now we can reveal our THIRD exclusive t-shirt for Auto Assembly 2013! Once again illustrated by our in-house artist Ed Pirrie and produced in partnership with dealer Big D’s Toy Chest, this time it features RiD Prime and as with the other two designs sees him in both robot and vehicle mode.
The shirt costs £14.99 and is available in a range of sizes and colours and is ONLY available to Auto Assembly 2013 attendees and those of you who will be ordering our Non Attendee Packs. They can be pre-ordered NOW for collection at the convention although a very limited supply will be available at the convention but they won’t be available after that or anywhere else! To order yours, visit the pre-order site here but hurry before it’s too late.
The others, featuring G1 Bumblebee and TF: Prime Starscream are still available to pre-order at the same price and we’ll be announcing the fourth design very soon…
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