As well as Auto Assembly and Auto Assembly Europe, we’ve been busy working on plans for even more for Transformers fans and earlier today we launched a brand new website – transformersvideogames.co.uk
The site is dedicated to Transformers computer and video games dating right back to the very first release on the Commodore 64 in 1985 up to the current releases on the PS3, XBox 360 and the impending Transformers Universe MMO due for release in 2012 and everything in between! The site will feature reviews, news, interviews, articles, a complete guide to every game ever released and much more and all the site visitors will be able to decide just what will be featured on the site as we want it to be 100% interactive.
It’s still in its early stages so we’re in the process of just getting the framework for the site operational and some of the background files ready as well as the first few reviews online, but we expect to upload a lot of content over the coming days.
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