Online MMO games developer Jagex are busy working frantically on their upcoming Transformers Universe MMO. Back in 2011, Jagex supported Auto Assembly by providing us with a great selection of freebies to give away to our attendees, some fantastic t-shirts which we gave away as competition prizes, and donated what is still our highest fundraising auction items ever.
We’re proud to announce that Jagex will be supporting Auto Assembly again this year and, they’ll be bringing boxes of stuff exclusive to attendees of Auto Assembly 2012. They will be given away as prizes in various competitions during the convention and we will also be giving away some in a pre-registrant prize draw. To enter this, all you need to do is book your tickets for the convention IN ADVANCE and you’ll be entered (as long as you don’t have a Partner or Under 6 pass!).
Then just check your welcome pack on the day and if you have a lucky ticket in there, you’ve won!
Secondly Jagex will be donating something rather special for our charity auction… They will be providing us with a very special print of artwork from the Transformers Universe game signed by the development team! At Auto Assembly 2011, a similar print that was signed by SIXTY members of the team raised an astonishing £350 and we hope that this one will do the same and we want to thank Paul Mayer and Eddy Dew from Jagex for arranging this.
Finally, we will be giving away Transformers Universe art cards to our attendees as part of the goodie bags this year. Featuring one of two different designs, these have great CGI landscapes on them and are great collectibles from the game.
You can find out more about the game at www.transformersuniverse.com and about Jagex’s other online MMOs including the highly-acclaimed RuneScape at their website at www.runescape.com
Auto Assembly 2012 is Europe’s largest Transformers convention and is taking place over the weekend of 3rd – 5th August 2012 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel. To book your tickets or find out information about booking dealers tables, to sponsor the event or to enquire about advertising with us, visit the website at www.autoassembly.org.uk
Hope to see you there!
The Auto Assembly Team
Web: www.autoassembly.org.uk / www.transformersvideogames.co.uk / www.ct-alpha.com
Auto Assembly Europe: www.autoassemblyeurope.eu
Youtube: www.youtube.com/autoassembly
Twitter: www.twitter.com/auto_assembly
Forum: https://www.autoassembly.org.uk/forum
Email: contact@autoassembly.org.uk
Tel: +44 (0)7860 948296
Auto Assembly is sponsored by
Calloway Custom Designs – www.shapeways.com/shops/callowaycustomdesigns
Big Ds Toy Chest – www.bigdstoychest.co.uk
Toyz And Gamez – www.toyzandgamez.co.uk
Kapow Toys – www.kapowtoys.co.uk
TF Source – www.tfsource.com
Robot Kingdom – www.robotkingdom.com
Transformers @ The Moon – www.transformertoys.co.uk
TransformersAnimated.com – www.transformersanimated.com
TheTransformers.net – www.thetransformers.net
Titan Books – www.titanbooks.com
3 Darths Comics – www.3darthscomics.co.uk
Science Fiction Collectables – www.sf-collectables.co.uk
Big Bad Toy Store – www.bbts.com
Xyber Toys – www.xybertoys.com
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